Exam Code: 1Z0-883
Exam Name: MySQL 5.6 Database Administrator
Updated: Nov 06, 2024
Q&As: 100
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You inherit a legacy database system when the previous DBA, Bob, leaves the company. You are notified that users are getting the following error:
mysql> CALL film_in_stock (40, 2, @count);
ERROR 1449 (HY000): The user specified as a definer (`bon'@'localhost') does not exist
How would you identify all stored procedures that pose the same problem?
A. Execute SELECT * FROM mysql.routines WHERE DEFINER='bob@localhost';.
B. Execute SHOW ROUTINES WHERE DEFINER='bob@localhost'.
E. Examine the Mysql error log for other ERROR 1449 messages.
You are using replication and the binary log files on your master server consume a lot of disk space. Which two steps should you perform to safely remove some of the older binary log files?
A. Ensure that none of the attached slaves are using any of the binary logs you want to delete.
B. Use the command PURGE BINARY LOGS and specify a binary log file name or a date and time to remove unused files.
C. Execute the PURGE BINARY LOGE NOT USED command.
D. Remove all of the binary log files that have a modification date earlier than today.
E. Edit the .index file to remove the files you want to delete.
In a test database, you issue the SELECT ... INTO OUTFILE statement to create a file with your t1 table
You then TRUNCATE this table to empty it.
Mysql> SELECT * INTO OUTFILE `/tmp/t1.sql' from t1; mysql> TRUNCATE t1;
Which two methods will restore data to the t1 table?
A. Mysql> LOAD DATA INFILE `/tmp/t1.sql' INTO TABLE t1;
B. $ mysqladmin u root p h localhost test restore /tmp/t1.sql
C. $ mysql u root p h localhost test < /tmp/t1.sql
D. $ mysqlinport u root p h localhost test /tmp/t1.sql
E. Mysql> INSERT INTO t1 VALUES FROM `/tmp/t1.sql';
Which statement is true about the log-output variable?
A. It is a static variable and can be set only at MySQL server startup.
B. It enables and starts the General Query Log.
C. It sets the target location for the binary logs generated by the MySQL sever.
D. It specifies output destinations for the slow and General Query logs.
Which two statements describe the behavior of the server's SQL mode?
A. The server's SQL mode determines how the server should behave when performing data validation check and interpreting different forms of syntax.
B. The server's SQL mode determines whether the server should be read-only or should accept commands such as INSERT and UPDATE.
C. The server's SQL mode can be changed at the session level with a SET SESSION sql_mode="new_value" command.
D. The server's SQL mode, when globally set on a slave server, applies to events sent from the master.
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