Exam Code: 1D0-520
Exam Name: CIW V5 Site Designer
Updated: Nov 12, 2024
Q&As: 140
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Jared is creating an interactive Web site that is expected to respond to heavy traffic. He needs to request new hardware in order to build a staging server. What requirement of the staging server should he be aware of when ordering the new hardware?
A. The staging server should have the same hardware and software configuration as the production server.
B. The staging server should have a different operating system from that of the production server for flexibility during testing.
C. The staging server should have a slower processor and less RAM than the production server because it is just a test server.
D. The staging server should have more RAM and a faster processor than the production server because testing is more intensive than production use.
Which of the following is directly exploited by a brute-force attack?
A. The Web server's available bandwidth
B. The Web server's authentication mechanisms
C. The TCP/IP software installed on the Web server
D. The log file mechanisms that exist on the Web server
Marcus is designing a site and wants to use a ready-made template from a Web development application. One consequence of using predesigned templates is that:
A. they infringe on copyrights.
B. they interfere with the design process.
C. they are unlikely to fulfill all design specifications.
D. they contain business logic that cannot be modified.
While designing a Web site for a customer, you are asked to add several photographic images to one of the pages. Which format would be best suited for this type of image?
Which of the following will best protect a server from Web server vulnerabilities that are exploited by hackers?
A. Using strong passwords
B. Installing updates (for example, service packs)
C. Using the POST method instead of the GET method for a Web form
D. Using the GET method instead of the POST method for a Web form
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