Exam Code: 1D0-525
Exam Name: CIW V5 E-Commerce Designer
Updated: Nov 14, 2024
Q&As: 144
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What is the result of an e-commerce HTTP server that processes the input queue at a rate equal to or greater than that of incoming requests?
A. A bottleneck occurs.
B. Network bandwidth decreases.
C. The server performs adequately.
D. The site visitor experiences a delay.
What are the basic steps for retrieving data for display?
A. Predefine SQL strings, authenticate, format for display.
B. Define the server name, name the database, authenticate the credentials.
C. Connect to a database server, pass the SQL command, retrieve the results.
D. Authenticate to a database server, format for display, retrieve the data results.
What is the single most important result of any marketing strategy?
A. Number of products sold
B. Dollars generated in sales
C. Return On Investment (ROI)
D. Cost of the marketing campaign
A hash encryption function:
A. is relatively easy to encrypt but difficult to decrypt.
B. contains a secret key that is used to encrypt and decrypt.
C. is not used because today's computers can easily hack it.
D. is encrypted with a public key and decrypted with a private key.
Jorge is developing an e-commerce solution for his company, which sells subscription services. Customers need to be billed on a recurring basis for their subscriptions. Which payment method would Jorge find most appropriate for this situation?
A. Bank account debit
B. Cash on delivery (c.o.d.)
C. Purchase order and post-purchase billing
D. Advance payment using check or money order
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