Exam Code: 1D0-623
Exam Name: CIW Social Media Specialist
Updated: Nov 11, 2024
Q&As: 55
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David is the social media manager of a privately owned teenage sports club social media site. When an individual or organization signs up on the site, they must agree to the terms of use and privacy policies before being allowed to create a profile or post on the site.These policies provide
Davids organization the ability to collect and use data about the user, such as their interests.Which of the following would be an inappropriate use of this information'?
A. The owner of the site uses the contact information to sell them services from other companies he owns
B. The social media marketing manager identifies users with similar sports interests and sends links of upcoming sports events and group activities
C. The legal department sends notices to users who are using the site inappropriately, to stop these specific behaviors
D. The social media community manager collects data to identify and measure user engagement and to locate influencers who can assist in building the community
Katie has launched a new natural makeup company and is looking to offer her lipstick line to potential new customers using a social media campaign She has recently seen her competitors successfully use influencers to help promote their products to new customers. What should she look for when trying to identify the right potential influencers for her audience?
A. The 90/9/1 rule.
B. Promotion, sharing, and engagement
C. Reach, relevance, and resonance.
D. The 80/20 rule
The author, graphic designer and publisher of a series of graphic novels will be making appearances to sign their work at a major fan conference
What would be the best strategy to attract the largest number of customers to the signing?
A. Share videos of previous signings on YouTube.
B. Schedule an event on Facebook.
C. Update their biographies on Linkedin
D. Post images from the novels to Pinterest
A game development company wants to create a new action adventure game. They already have an established online presence that includes many players of their existing games . They ask the players for ideas and scenarios for the new game. What stage of social community building is this?
A. Creation
B. Growth
C. Leverage
D. cultivation
Which of the following is a benefit of social media auditing?
A. Compare your social media presence to your competitors.
B. Focus efforts on only the most important social media sites.
C. Maintain a specific style and tone in future social media posts.
D. Prevent bad data from entering the campaign decision making process.
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