Exam Code: 1V0-603
Exam Name: Cloud Management and Automation Fundamentals Exam
Updated: Nov 12, 2024
Q&As: 50
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A company is discussing the migration of their corporate data to the hybrid cloud and have asked a consultant to provide some justifications for making the move.Which two scenarios best show use cases for a hybrid cloud?( Choose two.)
A. You have a mixture of physical and virtual servers.
B. You want to occasionally move data between different corporate private clouds.
C. You want to periodically offload high demand development test cycles.
D. You are a small company and do not want to deal with your own datacenter and equipment.
A manager is planning for an upcoming transition to vrealizeautomation and wants to know if the existing vsphere5.5infrastructure can be leveraged for the implementation. What statement accurately answers this question?
A. The existing vSphere infrastructure cannot be used asvRealize automation can only utilizevCloud director based resources.
B. The existing vSphere infrastructure can be used, but a minimum of twovRealizeAutomation endpoints must be deployed.
C. The existing vSphere infrastructure can be used but thevCenter Server must reinstalled.
D. The existing vSphere infrastructure can be used to deployvRealizeAutomation with no major changes.
A company has recently bought out a competitor and is now integrating them into their existing architecture. Which VMware NSX component or feature will allow the company to place newly- created virtual machines on the best compute resources regardless of whether those resources are at the main site or the new branch location?
A. Edge Service Device
B. Distributed Router
D. Advanced Service Designer
A customer is concerned about using fixed alarm settings to monitor elastic cloud workloads. They want assurance that virtual workloads will be properly monitored in the cloud based on their environment's realtime data. Which vRealize Operations alarm feature will best address this concern?
A. Auto Reactive Alarms
B. Adaptive Alarms
C. Self-Learning Analytics
D. Dynamic Thresholds
A consultant is explaining the benefits of using VMware NSX versus other products that utilize a physical networking infrastructure.Which two are benefits of implementing VMware NSX over other virtual network solutions? (Choose two.)
A. Non-disruptive server hardware upgrades
B. Reduced network provisioning time
C. No more physical switches
D. Non-disruptive deployment
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