Exam Code: 312-49V10
Exam Name: ECCouncil Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator (V10)
Updated: Nov 11, 2024
Q&As: 753
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Why should you never power on a computer that you need to acquire digital evidence from?
A. When the computer boots up, files are written to the computer rendering the data nclean?When the computer boots up, files are written to the computer rendering the data ?nclean
B. When the computer boots up, the system cache is cleared which could destroy evidence
C. When the computer boots up, data in the memory buffer is cleared which could destroy evidenceWhen the computer boots up, data in the memory? buffer is cleared which could destroy evidence
D. Powering on a computer has no affect when needing to acquire digital evidence from it
When setting up a wireless network with multiple access points, why is it important to set each access point on a different channel?
A. Avoid over-saturation of wireless signals
B. So that the access points will work on different requencies
C. Avoid cross talk
D. Multiple access points can be set up on the same channel without any issues
In a computer forensics investigation, what describes the route that evidence takes from the time you find it until the case is closed or goes to court?
A. Policy of separation
B. Chain of custody
C. Rules of evidence
D. Law of probability
What is the location of the binary files required for the functioning of the OS in a Linux system?
A. /run
B. /bin
C. /root
D. /sbin
Jason discovered a file named $RIYG6VR.doc in the C:\$Recycle.Bin\
A. It is a doc file deleted in seventh sequential order
B. RIYG6VR.doc is the name of the doc file deleted from the system
C. It is file deleted from R drive
D. It is a deleted doc file
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