Exam Code: A00-202
Exam Name: SAS advanced programming exam
Updated: Nov 16, 2024
Q&As: 130
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Given the following SAS data set ONE:
1 A 2 B 3 C
Which one of the following SQL programs deletes the SAS data set ONE?
A. proc sql; delete table one; quit;
B. proc sql; alter table one drop num, var; quit;
C. proc sql; drop table one; quit;
D. proc sql; delete from one; quit;
The following SAS program is submitted:
%let value = 9;
%let value2 = 5;
%let newval = %eval(andvalue / andvalue2);
Which one of the following is the resulting value of the macro variable NEWVAL?
B. 2
C. 1.8
D. null
The following SAS program is submitted:
proc sql;
select *
from dictionary.tables;
Which one of the following is reported?
A. metadata on all tables in all libraries
B. metadata on all tables in the WORK library only
C. metadata on all tables in the SASUSER library only
D. metadata on all tables in the DICTIONARY library only
Which one of the following is an advantage of creating and using a SAS DATA step view?
A. It can store an index.
B. It always accesses the most current data.
C. It works quickly through multiple passes of the data.
D. It is useful when the underlying data file structure changes.
The following SAS program is submitted:
data one;
do i = 1 to 10;
ptobs = ceil(ranuni(0) * totobs);
set temp point = ptobs
nobs = totobs;
The SAS data set TEMP contains 2,500,000 observations. Which one of the following represents the possible values for PTOBS?
A. any integer between 1 and 10
B. any real number between 0 and 1
C. any integer between 1 and 2,500,000
D. any real number between 1 and 2,500,000
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