Exam Code: AI-900
Exam Name: Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals
Updated: Nov 16, 2024
Q&As: 290
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You have an Azure Machine Learning pipeline that contains a Split Data module. The Split Data module outputs to a Train Model module and a Score Model module. What is the function of the Split Data module?
A. selecting columns that must be included in the model
B. creating training and validation datasets
C. diverting records that have missing data
D. scaling numeric variables so that they are within a consistent numeric range
Natural language processing can be used to __________. Select the answer that correctly completes the sentence.
A. Analyze video content
B. Generate speech
C. Classify email messages as work-related or personal.
D. Classify images
You have a solution that analyzes social media posts to extract the mentions of city names and the city names discussed most frequently. Which type of natural language processing (NLP) workload does the solution use?
A. speech recognition
B. sentiment analysis
C. key phrase extraction
D. entity recognition
You plan to build a conversational AI solution that can be surfaced in Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Cortana, and Amazon Alexa. Which service should you use?
A. Azure Bot Service
B. Azure Cognitive Search
C. Speech
D. Language service
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