Exam Name: Hadoop 2.0 Certification exam for Pig and Hive Developer
Updated: Nov 17, 2024
Q&As: 108
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MapReduce v2 (MRv2/YARN) is designed to address which two issues?
A. Single point of failure in the NameNode.
B. Resource pressure on the JobTracker.
C. HDFS latency.
D. Ability to run frameworks other than MapReduce, such as MPI.
E. Reduce complexity of the MapReduce APIs.
F. Standardize on a single MapReduce API.
Which one of the following statements describes the relationship between the NodeManager and the ApplicationMaster?
A. The ApplicationMaster starts the NodeManager in a Container
B. The NodeManager requests resources from the ApplicationMaster
C. The ApplicationMaster starts the NodeManager outside of a Container
D. The NodeManager creates an instance of the ApplicationMaster
In the reducer, the MapReduce API provides you with an iterator over Writable values. What does calling the next () method return?
A. It returns a reference to a different Writable object time.
B. It returns a reference to a Writable object from an object pool.
C. It returns a reference to the same Writable object each time, but populated with different data.
D. It returns a reference to a Writable object. The API leaves unspecified whether this is a reused object or a new object.
E. It returns a reference to the same Writable object if the next value is the same as the previous value, or a new Writable object otherwise.
You want to populate an associative array in order to perform a map-side join. You've decided to put this information in a text file, place that file into the DistributedCache and read it in your Mapper before any records are processed.
Indentify which method in the Mapper you should use to implement code for reading the file and populating the associative array?
A. combine
B. map
C. init
D. configure
You want to run Hadoop jobs on your development workstation for testing before you submit them to your production cluster. Which mode of operation in Hadoop allows you to most closely simulate a production cluster while using a single machine?
A. Run all the nodes in your production cluster as virtual machines on your development workstation.
B. Run the hadoop command with the –jt local and the –fs file:///options.
C. Run the DataNode, TaskTracker, NameNode and JobTracker daemons on a single machine.
D. Run simldooop, the Apache open-source software for simulating Hadoop clusters.
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