Exam Name: Google Cloud - Apigee Certified API Engineer
Updated: Nov 10, 2024
Q&As: 126
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You have implemented an Apigee Edge API proxy that includes a new shared flow Before you release to production, you need to ensure all dependencies are readied What should you do?
A. Execute static code analysis on the bundle
B. Run automated unit tests in the test environment
C. Deploy the shared flow to the production environment
D. Alert the quality analysis team and product owner that you are preparing the release
You are working on a project that adheres strictly to the Roy Fielding REST concepts. You need to update a single property named "status" of a complicated entity What should you do?
A. Fetch the full entity, update the status value locally. DELETE the original entity and POST the new version.
B. Fetch the full entity. Change only the status value and then send the whole object in the request body of the PUT service
C. Create a new service that uses the UPDATE verb that accepts the "status* property and updates the entity UPDATE /api/trucks/42/status HTTP/1.1 {status: 5}
D. Create a new service that uses the PATCH verb designed to update only given fields. PATCH /api/trucks/42 HTTP/1.1 {status: 5}
The AssignMessage policy can be used to
A. add headers
B. remove the payload
C. assign a value to a variable
D. all of the above
You are working with the product owners and uncover an opportunity for new functionality. The product owners ask you to quickly outline the desired functionality. Which approach should you use?
A. Use a business requirements document.
B. Use a behavior driven development "given-when-then" script to outline the main steps
C. Implement a proof of concept
D. Implement a suite of unit test cases that qualify a working API
Which is a benefit of three-legged OAuth (authonzation_code grant)'?
A. authorization codes can be used multiple times to obtain access tokens
B. allows another individual to access a user's private data
C. provides access to user-specific resources without exposing end-user credentials to the client application
D. provides end-user credentials to requesting app
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