Exam Code: C7010-010
Exam Name: IBM Cram V6.0.4, Application Development
Updated: Nov 11, 2024
Q&As: 55
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Which of the following statements about the different approaches to generating unique IDs are true?
A. A dedicated BPO should be used to generate readable keys.
B. A programmatic or model-based approach can be used when the key needs to be returned for further processing.
C. The model-based approach should be used to generate keys from the Default KeySet.
D. The model-based approach reduces the chance of key conflict.
E. A key set must be specified when using the programmatic approach.
Which of the following represents the correct approach for customizing curam-config.xml compliantly?
A. Create a file ending in config.xml in the custom folder containing the changes
B. Create a file ending in -config.xml in the custom folder containing the changes
C. Create a file ending in Config.xml in the custom folder containing the changes
D. Change curam-config.xml in place
Which three of the following entity stereotypes require the user to specify input parameters when modeling? [Select 3]
A. nkread
B. nkmodify
C. nkreadmulti
D. nsinsert
E. nsremove
F. readmulti
Which two of the following are valid options for model-specified validations? [Select 2]
A. Maximum_Value
B. Maximum_Chars
C. Minimum_Size
D. Starts_With
E. Ends_With
Review the Screenshot presented.
What type of application navigation element can be expected to correspond with the element highlighted by the red box?
A. Selection
B. Menu
C. Tab
D. Navigation
E. Shortcut-Tab
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