Exam Code: C9510-317
Exam Name: IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment V8.0, Core Administration
Updated: Nov 17, 2024
Q&As: 61
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A system administrator needs to install WebSphere Application Server binaries on a remote host. The administrator will use the Centralized Installation Manager (CIM) of a Deployment Manager. How should the administrator do this? To install the binaries executing a CIM job, the administrator should:
A. install Job Manager and register it to the deployment manager.
B. install an administrative agent and federate it to the deployment manager.
C. register the target host to the Job Manager server of the deployment manager.
D. transfer a IBM Installation Manager (IIM) kit to the target host and register it with the deployment manager.
A system administrator needs to configure a new way to manage applications using the monitored directory deployment feature. How can the administrator enable it? The feature...
A. can only be enabled in the Integrated Solutions Console (ISC).
B. can be enabled using the Integrated Solutions Console (ISC) or wsadmin.
C. is only available for a stand-alone server profile and is enabled by default.
D. is enabled by default for both a stand-alone and network deployment editions.
A system administrator needs to modify the plug-in configuration file. Which utility should the administrator use?
A. GenPluginCfg script
B. IBM Installation Manager
C. WebSphere Customization Toolbox (WCT)
D. Embedded WebSphere Customization Toolbox (WCT)
Consider the Exhibit,
a report generated by the IBM Support Assistant (ISA) that reveals a prevailing problem within a WebSphere Application Server environment. What should the administrator do?
A. Increase the amount of physical memory for the server.
B. Ensure that all connections taken from the data source are returned to the pool.
C. Determine why the collection class increases in size and consumes memory.
D. Modify the application so it uses stateless instead of stateful session beans to conserve the heap.
A system administrator is tuning a WebSphere Application Server system for optimal performance, based on advice obtained from the Performance and Diagnostic advisor. What setting should the administrator configure to ensure accurate advice for the specific configuration of the system?
A. Specify the process ID of the server
B. Specify the number of processors on the server
C. Enable tracing on the server
D. Enable High Performance Extensible Logging (HPEL) logging
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