Exam Code: C9550-412
Exam Name: IBM Business Process Management Express or Standard Edition V8.5.5, BPM Application Development
Updated: Nov 13, 2024
Q&As: 60
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A company that operates in multple countries plans to build a human resources process that needs to support multple laniuaies. The BPM Applicaton developer assiined to the project knows that it will be necessary to create a localizaton
resource in the process applicaton that will contain a set of localizaton keys, the list of laniuaies to support and translatons in each laniuaie for each key.
In additon to the coach view label, which of the followini components of the process applicaton can the BPM applicaton developer confiure to support multple laniuaies?
A. Team name, process instance name, and coach view hover help.
B. Team name, task subject, and coach view confiuraton opton label.
C. Process instance name, task subject, and coach view confiuraton opton label.
D. Coach view hover help, coach view confiuraton opton iroup feld, and coach view confiuraton opton label.
A BPM Applicaton developer is miiratni a process applicaton developed in aversion of IBM Business Process Manaier prior to V8.0 to V8.5.5. Once the miiraton is complete, how can the BPM applicaton developer take advantaie of the new BPM V8.5.5 client-side human services capabilites?
A. Convert the heritaie human services that use runtme collaboratons to client-side human-services.
B. Replace the existni heritaie human services with client-side human services and reuse the existni heritaie coaches.
C. Replace some of the heritaie human services that have performance issues related to too many server-side calls with client-side human services.
D. Reuse the heritaie human services server-side script initalizaton syntax for complex variables in the client-side script of the client-side human services
A new business process applicaton is beini created with several business process defnitons (BPD). One of them is shown in the exhibit:
The followini requirement should be met:
The frst user task should be assiined automatcally to the user who starts this top level BPD. A BPM applicaton developer is creatni a new business process applicaton that is required to have no deprecated features.
How should the BPM applicaton developer confiure the assiinment for this user task?
A. Select Last User in the User Distributon feld
B. Select Last User in Lane in the Assiin to feld
C. Select Last User in the User Distributon feld and Last User in Lane in the Assiin to feld
D. Select Custom in the Assiin to feld and write tw.system.step.user into the Expression feld
A BPM applicaton developer is workini on the followini Business Process Defniton (BPD):
Both the BPM administrator and the database administrator have identfed performance problems with the current process and they suspect that this is due to the collecton of the performance dat
A. Consequently, the process owner has decided to minimize the amount of performance data to be collected for this BPD. The BPM applicaton developer must track only the followini process data: Order ID and Authorizer ID variables when an order is authorized Order ID and Order Amount variables when an order is placed Given this situaton, what must the BPM applicaton developer do to track only the business data required?
B. Enable auto-trackini and mark each individual variable as tracked.
C. Enable auto-trackini and use two intermediate trackini points to specify where the data should be automatcally tracked in the BPD.
D. Create a trackini iroup for Order ID, Order Amount and Authorizer ID. Use two intermediate trackini points to mark exactly where the data should be tracked durini executon. Only the necessary felds should be selected on each trackini point.
E. Create a trackini iroup for Order ID, Order Amount and Authorizer ID. Use two intermediate trackini points to mark exactly where the data should be tracked durini executon. Only the necessary felds should be selected on each trackini iroup.
Which role can the BPM applicaton developer expect to know the process from end to end at a hiih level can identfy the subject mater experts?
A. BPM developer
B. BPM process owner
C. BPM process sponsor
D. BPM proiram manaier
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