CLOUDF Exam Questions & Answers

Exam Code: CLOUDF

Exam Name: EXIN Cloud Computing Foundation (EX0-116)


Q&As: 112

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Practice These Free Questions and Answers to Pass the EXIN Cloud Computing Foundation Exam

Questions 1

What is a benefit of virtual client operating systems in protection against virus infections?

A. A virus infection in one operating system will not infect the other operating systems.

B. One virus scanner on a client operating system will protect all other operating systems.

C. The client operating systems are virtual and cannot be infected from outside.

D. The client operating systems can be protected by the virus scanner of the host operating system.

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Questions 2

Why are Service level agreements (SLAs) in Public Clouds highly standardized?

A. They need to be available to and usable by everyone.

B. Cloud providers aim for a single service level for all offered services.

C. They are standardized by the ISO.

D. They are standardized by the US government.

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Questions 3

What is meant by data partitioning in the Cloud?

A. formatting a hard disk to allow for very big files

B. keeping data from one Cloud user on a single hard disk

C. keeping data from one Cloud user safe from other users

D. splitting data into small parts so they fit more easily on a solid state disk

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Questions 4

What is not an operational benefit of Cloud Computing?

A. Instant server deployment

B. Less IT staff

C. Managed services

D. Possibility of back-ups as a service

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Questions 5

What is an important environment related benefit of Cloud?

A. Greater data protection

B. Reduced dependency on the Internet

C. Reduced power requirements

D. Smaller bandwidth consumption

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