Exam Code: CSET-F
Exam Name: A4Q - Selenium Tester Foundation [Webdriver] (CSeT-F)
Updated: Nov 12, 2024
Q&As: 40
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Which of the following snippets of code would allow you to open a browser window and go to the python web site using WebDriver with Python bindings?
A. driver = webdriver Chrome() get('HTTPS //www python com)
B. driverwebdnver Chrome() driver refresh('HTTPS://www_python com')
C. driver = webdriver Chrome() driver.get('HTTPS://www.python com')
D. driver webdriver Chrome(HTTPS://www python com)
Consider the following HTML document
Which of the following CSS selectors will find the Cancel button?
A. .big.button[name="cancel"]
B. ."big button" [name="cancel'']
C. . .big_button[name="cancel"]
D. .big.button[@name="cancel"]
Which of the following is a limitation of a test automation project that is likely to cause an organization to get less return on their investment than they expected?
A. Approach stating that all manual tests should be automated
B. The pesticide paradox is decreased with automation
C. Short-term thinking and inadequate planning for the automation
D. Executing tests outside of normal business hours
Which of the following sentences is correct?
A. There is a way of taking the screenshots of modal message boxes with error messageson web pages with Selenium WebDriver library
B. There is no way of taking the screenshots of message boxes with error messages, because the situation when an error is shown on a webpage means that an automated test script has thrown an exception
C. There is no way of navigating on a web page when modal message box is shown, so there is no way of taking a screenshot
D. There is a way of taking a screenshot of modal message box with error message, but it has to be done outside of Selenium WebDriver library e.g., with Selenium Screenshot library
Given the following piece of code:
Which page will be displayed in the web browser after its execution?
A. httpsV/perl.org
B. httpsZZpython.org
C. Browser's home page
D. The page cannot be determined
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