Exam Code: CV0-003
Exam Name: CompTIA Cloud+ Certification
Updated: Nov 16, 2024
Q&As: 467
At Passcerty.com, we pride ourselves on the comprehensive nature of our CV0-003 exam dumps, designed meticulously to encompass all key topics and nuances you might encounter during the real examination. Regular updates are a cornerstone of our service, ensuring that our dedicated users always have their hands on the most recent and relevant Q&A dumps. Behind every meticulously curated question and answer lies the hard work of our seasoned team of experts, who bring years of experience and knowledge into crafting these premium materials. And while we are invested in offering top-notch content, we also believe in empowering our community. As a token of our commitment to your success, we're delighted to offer a substantial portion of our resources for free practice. We invite you to make the most of the following content, and wish you every success in your endeavors.
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A systems administrator is creating a playbook to run tasks against a server on a set schedule.
Which of the following authentication techniques should the systems administrator use within the playbook?
A. Use the server's root credentials
B. Hard-code the password within the playbook
C. Create a service account on the server
D. Use the administrator's SSO credentials
A SAN that holds VM files is running out of storage space.
Which of the following will BEST increase the amount of effective storage on the SAN?
A. Enable encryption
B. Increase IOPS
C. Convert the SAN from RAID 50 to RAID 60
D. Configure deduplication
A product-based company wants to transition to a method that provides the capability to enhance the product seamlessly and keep the development iterations to a shorter time frame. Which of the following would BEST meet these requirements?
A. Implement a secret management solution
B. Create autoscaling capabilities
C. Develop CI/CD tools
D. Deploy a CMDB tool
A company plans to publish a new application and must conform with security standards. Which of the following types of testing are most important for the systems administrator to run to assure the security and compliance of the application before publishing? (Select two).
A. Regression testing
B. Vulnerability testing
C. Usability testing
D. Functional testing
E. Penetration testing
F. Load testing
A cloud administrator implemented SSO and received a business requirement to increase security when users access the cloud environment. Which of the following should be implemented NEXT to improve the company's security posture?
C. Certificates
D. Federation
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