Exam Code: CWDP-303
Exam Name: Certified Wireless Design Professional
Updated: Nov 11, 2024
Q&As: 60
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During an RFP analysis, one of the vendors mentioned that you'll need to upgrade your Gigabit Ethernet switches to MultiGig switches to ensure support for 802.11ac and 802.11ax, which both offer data rates over 1Gbps. Why is this not sound advice?
A. Because neither of the technologies support data rates over 1Gbps
B. Because 802.11ax doesn't support channel bonding
C. Management overhead that is normal in WLANs will reduce the throughput of the client devices
D. Because 802.11ac only supports one spatial stream
You performed a site survey with two USB Wi-Fi adapters using a special driver written for the site survey software. After deployment, you realized that the client devices used by your customer are getting lower RSSI values than that shown during your site survey. What is the most likely reason for this result?
A. USB Wi-Fi adapters designed for site surveys may have better sensitivity than regular Wi-Fi cards installed in client devices.
B. The transmit power on the APs is higher than needed.
C. Regular Wi-Fi cards installed in client devices do not support the same protocols as survey adapters.
D. USB Wi-Fi adapters have a greater sensitivity than internal Wi-Fi adapters.
Your customer requires fast secure roaming. Which two types of roaming are specified in 802.11-2016 FT roaming that will help meet this goal?
A. Over-the-Air and Over-the-DS
B. Over-the-Air and Over-the-Wire
C. FT and OKC
D. FT and TKIP
What limitation exists when WMM is not enabled on an 802.11n WLAN?
A. 802.11 QoS will not be available
B. The maximum channel-width will be 20MHz
C. EDCA values will change
D. Only two ACs will be available
What is the best method of gathering attenuation measurements from any building materials or objects?
A. After measuring the RSSI in free space 5 meters (16.5 feet) apart, put an AP 4 meters (13 feet) away from the wall or object on one side and your measuring device 0.67 meters (2 feet) away from the wall or object on the other side. Take measurement and compare the difference.
B. Use the pre-built attenuation values in the predictive design tool.
C. After measuring the RSSI in free space 1 meter (3 feet) apart, put an AP 0.32 meters (1 feet) away from the wall or object on the other side. Take measurements and compare the difference.
D. Look on the Internet for attenuation values for each one of the materials that might attenuate the Wi-Fi signal using the material provider's websites.
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