Exam Code: DC0-200
Exam Name: Certified Server Professional Exam
Updated: Nov 14, 2024
Q&As: 120
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What is a dynamic volume as defined by Array Manager?
A. a logical volume that can be created from a dynamic disk
B. a volume that resides in the extended partition of a basic disk
C. a logical volume created from portions of one or more basic disks
D. a physical disk that has been marked as dynamic by Array Manager
Which three statements are true about installing the Intel drivers and utilities that allow teaming in Windows 2000? (Choose three .)
A. If you install the adapters after you have installed the OS, you can get the ProSet Utility from the Intel ProSet Utility CD.
B. You must install the ProSet Utility.
C. You must install the Intel driver using floppy diskettes.
D. If you install the adapters after you have installed the OS, you can get the drivers from the Intel Network Drivers CD.
E. Loading Windows 2000 using the DSA CD-ROM loads the drivers and ProSet Utility.
You only configure a PowerEdge Server running Dell OpenManage Server Administrator with community names for read access. You then configure OpenManage IT Assistant to use the same community names for both read and write when configuring the subnet in ITA to discover that system. Which two management functions are you able to perform on that system from ITA? (Choose two.)
A. shut down the system remotely from ITA
B. discover and monitor the health of that system from ITA
C. see an inventory report of the system in ITA
D. log in to the system from ITA and change its temperature thresholds
You are attempting to install OMSA on a system. The only option offered by the installation GUI is Management Station. What are the two most likely causes for this? (Choose two.)
A. You are attempting to install OMSA from the management station CD-ROM.
B. You are attempting to install OMSA on a non-supported Dell PowerEdge server.
C. You are attempting to install OMSA on a non-PowerEdge Dell system.
D. You are attempting to install OMSA from a network-shared CD-ROM drive.
What is included in the RAID enabler kit? (Choose three.)
A. cache memory
B. cache battery
C. cooling fan
D. SCSI cable
E. RAID key
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