Exam Code: DEX-450
Exam Name: Programmatic Development using Apex and Visualforce in Lightning
Updated: Nov 11, 2024
Q&As: 456
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Which approach should a developer use to add pagination to a Visualforce page?
A. A StandardController
B. The Action attribute for a page
C. The extensions attribute for a page
D. A StandardSetController
A developer creates an Apex helper class to handle complex trigger logic. How can the helper class warn users when the trigger exceeds DML governor limits?
A. By using PageReference.setRedirect() to redirect the user to a custom Visualforce page before the number of DML statements is exceeded.
B. By using Messaging.sendEmail() to continue toe transaction and send an alert to the user after the number of DML statements is exceeded.
C. By using AmexMessage.Messages() to display an error message after the number of DML statements is exceeded.
D. By using Limits.getDMLRows() and then displaying an error message before the number of DML statements is exceeded.
Which actions can a developer perform using the Schema Builder?Choose 2 answers
A. Create a custom field and automatically add it to an existing page layout.
B. Create a view containing only standard and system objects.
C. Create a custom object and define a lookup relationship on that object
D. Create a view of objects and relationships without fields
A developer tasked with creating a schema to track Movies, Actors, and contracts. A single movie can have many contracts and a single actor can have many contracts. Each contract is owned and actively managed by a single user. Which schema should be created to enable user to easily manage the contract they own; without requiring access to the movie or the actor records?
A. A master detail relationship to the movie object and a lookup relationship to the actor object
B. A lookup relationship to the movie object and a lookup relationship to the actor object
C. A lookup relationship to the movie object and a master detail relationship to the actor object
D. A master detail relationship to the movie object and a master detail relationship to the actor object
In the code below, which type does String inherit from? String s = 'Hello World';
A. Prototype
B. Object
C. Object
D. Class
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