Exam Code: EN0-001
Exam Name: ARM Accredited engineer
Updated: Nov 11, 2024
Q&As: 210
At Passcerty.com, we pride ourselves on the comprehensive nature of our EN0-001 exam dumps, designed meticulously to encompass all key topics and nuances you might encounter during the real examination. Regular updates are a cornerstone of our service, ensuring that our dedicated users always have their hands on the most recent and relevant Q&A dumps. Behind every meticulously curated question and answer lies the hard work of our seasoned team of experts, who bring years of experience and knowledge into crafting these premium materials. And while we are invested in offering top-notch content, we also believe in empowering our community. As a token of our commitment to your success, we're delighted to offer a substantial portion of our resources for free practice. We invite you to make the most of the following content, and wish you every success in your endeavors.
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Which of the following processors includes a Generic Interrupt Controller as a standard component?
A. Cortex-A8
B. Cortex-M3
C. Cortex-R4F
D. Cortex-A9 MPCore
The following pseudocode sequence shows a flag being set to indicate that new data is ready to be read by another thread:
data = 123;
ready = true;
Assuming that the reader threads may execute on any other core of a multicore system, which of the following is the most efficient memory barrier to place between the two writes to prevent them being observed in the opposite order?
A function written in C has the prototype:
void my_function(float a. double b, float c);
The function is built and linked into an application using hard floating-point linkage. What registers are
used to pass arguments to the function?
A. a->s0; b->d0; c->s1
B. a->s0; b->d1; c->s1
C. a->d0; b->d1; c->d2
D. a->s0; b->d1; c-> s2
A C code segment contains three calls to a function, foobar ().
This code segment is to be linked with a static library that defines foobar ().
Ignoring inlining, how many copies of foobar () will the ARM linker place in the output?
A. None
B. Always one
C. Always three
D. One or more depending on optimization level
When building code for both ARM and Thumb states, which tool decides for each function call whether to use a BL or BLX instruction?
A. The linker
B. The archiver
C. The compiler
D. The assembler
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