Exam Code: F50-531
Exam Name: BIG-IP v10.x LTM Essentials V10.x
Updated: Nov 11, 2024
Q&As: 99
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The current status of a given pool is offline (red). Which condition could explain that state? Assume the descriptions below include all monitors assigned for each scenario.
A. No monitors are currently assigned to any pool, member or node.
B. The pool has a monitor assigned to it, and none of the pool members passed the test.
C. The pool has a monitor assigned to it, and only some of the pool's members passed the test.
D. A monitor is assigned to all nodes and all nodes have passed the test. The pool's members have no specific monitor assigned to them.
You need to terminate client SSL traffic at the BIG-IP and also to persist client traffic to the same pool member based on a BIG-IP supplied cookie. Which four are profiles that would normally be included in the virtual server's definition? (Choose four.)
D. ClientSSL
E. ServerSSL
F. Cookie-Based Persistence
Which statement describes a typical purpose of iRules?
A. iRules can be used to add individual control characters to an HTTP data stream.
B. iRules can be used to update the timers on monitors as a server load changes.iRules can be used to update the timers on monitors as a server's load changes.
C. iRules can examine a server response and remove it from a pool if the response is unexpected iRules can examine a server's response and remove it from a pool if the response is unexpected.
D. iRules can be used to look at client requests and server responses to choose a pool member to select for load balancing.
Where is connection mirroring configured?
A. It an option within a TCP profile.
B. It is an optional feature of each pool.
C. It is not configured; it is default behavior.
D. It is an optional feature of each virtual server.
When using the setup utility to configure a redundant pair, you are asked to provide a "Failover Peer IP". Which address is this?
A. an address of the other system in its management network
B. an address of the other system in a redundant pair configuration
C. an address on the current system used to listen for fail-over messages from the partner BIG-IP
D. an address on the current system used to initiate mirroring and network fail-over heartbeat messages
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