Exam Name: GMAT-Quantitive Practice Test
Updated: Nov 14, 2024
Q&As: 738
At Passcerty.com, we pride ourselves on the comprehensive nature of our GMAT-QUANTITIVE exam dumps, designed meticulously to encompass all key topics and nuances you might encounter during the real examination. Regular updates are a cornerstone of our service, ensuring that our dedicated users always have their hands on the most recent and relevant Q&A dumps. Behind every meticulously curated question and answer lies the hard work of our seasoned team of experts, who bring years of experience and knowledge into crafting these premium materials. And while we are invested in offering top-notch content, we also believe in empowering our community. As a token of our commitment to your success, we're delighted to offer a substantial portion of our resources for free practice. We invite you to make the most of the following content, and wish you every success in your endeavors.
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In a rectangular coordinate system, what is the square root of the area of a trapezoid whose vertices have the coordinates (2, -2), (2, 3), (20, 2), (20, -2)?
A. 7.5
B. 9
C. 10.22
D. 12.25
E. 14
In the third grade of Windblown School there are 108 students, one third of them failed the math test and 1/6 failed that literature test. At least how many students failed both tests?
A. 0.
B. 6.
C. 8.
D. 10.
E. 12.
In the Biotechnology class of 2000, there were X graduates. 32 of the graduates found a job, 45 continued on to their second degree and 13 did both. If only 9 people didn't do both, What is X equal to?
A. 69.
B. 71.
C. 73.
D. 75.
E. 76.
The roof of an apartment building is rectangular and its length is 4 times longer than its width. If the area of the roof is 784 feet squared, what is the difference between the length and the width of the roof?
A. 38.
B. 40.
C. 42.
D. 44.
E. 46.
If X and Y are integers, what is the value of X?
Statement (1) BY ITSELF is sufficient to answer the question, but statement (2) by itself is not.
Statement (2) BY ITSELF is sufficient to answer the question, but statement (1) by itself is not.
Statements (1) and (2) TAKEN TOGETHER are sufficient to answer the question, even though NEITHER statement BY ITSELF is sufficient.
Either statement BY ITSELF is sufficient to answer the question.
Statements (1) and (2) TAKEN TOGETHER are NOT sufficient to answer the question, requiring more data pertaining to the problem.
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