Exam Code: HDPCD
Exam Name: Hortonworks Data Platform Certified Developer
Updated: Nov 12, 2024
Q&As: 108
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Which one of the following classes would a Pig command use to store data in a table defined in HCatalog?
A. org.apache.hcatalog.pig.HCatOutputFormat
B. org.apache.hcatalog.pig.HCatStorer
C. No special class is needed for a Pig script to store data in an HCatalog table
D. Pig scripts cannot use an HCatalog table
Assuming the following Hive query executes successfully:
Which one of the following statements describes the result set?
A. A bigram of the top 80 sentences that contain the substring "you are" in the lines column of the input data A1 table.
B. An 80-value ngram of sentences that contain the words "you" or "are" in the lines column of the inputdata table.
C. A trigram of the top 80 sentences that contain "you are" followed by a null space in the lines column of the inputdata table.
D. A frequency distribution of the top 80 words that follow the subsequence "you are" in the lines column of the inputdata table.
Consider the following two relations, A and B.
What is the output of the following Pig commands?
A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D
You are developing a MapReduce job for sales reporting. The mapper will process input keys representing the year (IntWritable) and input values representing product indentifies (Text).
Indentify what determines the data types used by the Mapper for a given job.
A. The key and value types specified in the JobConf.setMapInputKeyClass and JobConf.setMapInputValuesClass methods
B. The data types specified in HADOOP_MAP_DATATYPES environment variable
C. The mapper-specification.xml file submitted with the job determine the mapper's input key and value types.
D. The InputFormat used by the job determines the mapper's input key and value types.
Which one of the following statements is true regarding a MapReduce job?
A. The job's Partitioner shuffles and sorts all (key.value) pairs and sends the output to all reducers
B. The default Hash Partitioner sends key value pairs with the same key to the same Reducer
C. The reduce method is invoked once for each unique value
D. The Mapper must sort its output of (key.value) pairs in descending order based on value
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