Exam Code: IREB
Exam Name: IREB Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering
Updated: Nov 15, 2024
Q&As: 45
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The activity diagram below shows a simplified order processing procedure. Which of the following
statements is correct for this flow?
(2 Points)
A. The flow is not modelled correctly, since no condition (branch)should be present within a fork.
B. The flow is modelled correctly: the goods branch as well as the export and domestic order branch are processed in parallel to one another.
C. The flow is not modelled correctly, since the branches for the domestic and export orders must be consolidated via a diamond symbol.
D. The flow is modelled correctly and the "issue invoice" activity is conducted after the "compile goods" activity.
You are employed as a requirements engineer in a company in the logistics sector and are involved in a
project that aims to replace a legacy application for distribution and shipment of goods with a new system.
A colleague has already created a context diagram.
You are assigned to check this. What are your thoughts about this? Indicate for each statement whether it
is true or false. (3 Points)
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. E
F. F
G. G
H. H
Requirements elicitation: Your company has received a customer contract to develop a system for the scheduling of the customer's delivery vans. It is your task to identify the requirements for this scheduling system. You have arranged appointments for interviews with three key members of the customer's staff, and are now preparing interview questions. Which of the questions below are appropriate interview questions for the requirements elicitation? (2 Points)
A. What are the most important technical terms for the application and how are they defined?
B. If the delivery deadline is not met, is a contract penalty to be paid?
C. What data quantities / data rates are to be processed?
D. When is the installation of the completed system to be started?
Sentence-templates can be used to document natural language requirements. You want to introduce such a sentence-template in your project and must convince your project manager of its advantages. Which two arguments do most likely put forward in this discussion? (2 Points)
A. High quality requirements are guaranteed already from the initial documentation.
B. Requirements that are formulated according to the sentence-template contain no linguistic transformation effects.
C. Drafting requirements in accordance with sentence-templates can be learned in a short time.
D. The use of a sentence-template basically delivers greater information content.
E. A requirement drafted according to a sentence-template satisfies all quality criteria for requirements.
As a requirements engineer, you deal with a diverse range of requirements. A template for natural language functional requirements can help you to formulate different forms of system activities in a more precise way. Which two kinds of system activities are among those supported? (1 Point)
A. User interaction
B. Technical requirement
C. Quality requirements
D. Independent system activity
E. System requirement
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