Exam Code: JN0-1331
Exam Name: Security Design - Specialist (JNCDS-SEC)
Updated: Nov 12, 2024
Q&As: 65
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Which two features are used to stop IP spoofing in and out of your network? (Choose two.)
A. GeoIP
B. firewall filters
C. unicast reverse path forwarding
You are asked to virtualize numerous stateful firewalls in your customer's data center. The customer wants the solution to use the existing Kubernetes-orchestrated architecture.
Which Juniper Networks product would satisfy this requirement?
A. vMX
D. CTP Series
You are deploying Security Director with the logging and reporting functionality for VMs that use SSDs. You expect to have approximately 20,000 events per second of logging in your network.
In this scenario, what is the minimum number of log receiver devices that you should use?
A. 4
B. 3
C. 2
D. 1
You are designing a solution to protect a service provider network against volumetric denial-of-service attacks. Your main concern is to protect the network devices. Which two solutions accomplish this task? (Choose two.)
A. next-generation firewall
B. screens
C. intrusion prevention system
D. BGP FlowSpec
You are working on a network design that will use EX Series devices as Layer 2 access switches in a campus environment. You must include Junos Space in your design. You want to take advantage of security features supported on the devices.
Which two security features would satisfy this requirement? (Choose two.)
B. Stateful Firewall
C. Access Control
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