Exam Name: Looker Business Analyst
Updated: Nov 19, 2024
Q&As: 40
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Users find it difficult to distinguish the dashboards they need for tracking sales performance. There are more than 30 operation-related dashboards in the same folder.
What should the analyst do to improve the navigation experience?
A. Pin the dashboards into boards and grant user access to the individual dashboards.
B. Add descriptions to the dashboards to give more details.
C. Sort the dashboards in the folder by name.
D. Show the dashboards in a grid style for displaying the snapshot.
An analyst has an Explore query that shows the sum of spend over time. The Explore query has the Sum of Spend measure pivoted by a Category of Spend dimension. The Category of Spend dimension has a value for Budgeted Spend and then categories for each type of unbudgeted spend.
Which visualization feature should the analyst use to separate budgeted spend visually from each category of unbudgeted spend?
A. Display row totals for each category.
B. Series type customization on budgeted spend.
C. Grouped series positioning on budgeted spend.
D. Transpose table to separate out budgeted spend.
A business analyst is filtering for this year's data in an Explore. There is a requirement to show future dates for this year in the visualization, even though those dates do not yet have associated data.
Where should the analyst go to make sure dates are filled in for the future?
A. X-axis settings
B. Column settings
C. Explore settings
D. Row settings
An analyst adds a Day dimension and a Signup Count measure to an Explore to show the number of new users added per day. The analyst wants to add a metric that increases by the number of new users per day, on a rolling basis.
How should that metric be calculated?
A. Add a Sum measure to the Explore and re-run the query.
B. Add a table calculation that calls running_portal (${users.signup_count})
C. Add a custom measure of type: running_total
D. Add a table calculation that calls ${users.signup_count:total}
An analyst is trying to rank companies in an Explore and visualize the rank as a column chart. The analyst selects the Brand Name dimension and the Rank dimension. They then select the column chart visualization type, but receive the error "Measure, time or numeric field required: Column graphs require at least one dimension or for the first dimension field to be of type: number or type: time".
How can the analyst resolve this error while showing the rank as a column visualization?
A. Pivot the Explore by the Brand Name dimension.
B. Select a measure to include in the Explore, then create a table calculation that multiplies the dimension by 1.0 using the syntax ${dimension}*1.0. Then hide the measure from the Explore.
C. Pivot the Explore by brand Rank.
D. Select a measure to include in the Explore, then create a table calculation that adds the Rank dimension to the measure multiplied by zero using the syntax ${dimension} + (${measure}*0). Then hide the measure from the Explore.
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