Exam Name: Magento 2 Certified Associate Developer
Updated: Nov 11, 2024
Q&As: 103
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You need to add a new text attribute to all products in the Magento store. When this attribute is displayed on the product page, its values must be different depending on the selected language. Keeping simplicity in mind, how do you add this attribute?
A. Use the Magento CLI to create a new custom attribute, then generate dictionaries for all supported languages
B. Use a Data Patch to create a new EAV attribute
C. Add a new column to the catalog_product_entity table using declarative schema
D. Use the admin panel to create a new extension attribute
What scopes are available for customer attributes?
A. Global only
B. Website only
C. Global and Website
D. Global, Website and Store
You are working on a jewelry store that sells rings. Each ring allows an adjustment in size. The customer specifies finger size in inches and the merchant physically adjusts the stocked ring to the required size.
How is this represented in Magento?
A. Using custom options, with rings as simple products
B. Using categories, with each ring size as a separate product
C. Using configurable products, with ring size as an attributive value
D. Using custom options, with rings as bundle products
A custom module must make changes to the schema following each setup:upgrade run. This must be done after all other module's schema updates have been applied.
How is this accomplished?
A. Write a plugin intercepting \Magento\Setup\Model\Installer::handleDBSchemaData
B. Create an UpgradeSchemaAfter class which implements InstallSchemaInterface
C. Update the module's setup_priority in etc/modules.xml
D. Create a Recurring class which implements InstallSchemaInterface
You are tasked with ensuring customers who log into the site are authorized. By default, this consists of ensuring the customers email and password match the values in the database. On this project, you need to verify additional data in this process.
Keeping in mind upgradeability, how is this done?
A. Create a before plugin for \Magento\Customer\Api\AccountManagementInterface's authenticate method
B. Create a mutation of a CustomerInterface object to intercept the username and password
C. Create an event observer for the user_save_after observer
D. Override \Magento\Customer\Controller\AccountController.php
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