Exam Code: MK0-201
Exam Name: CPTS - Certified Pen Testing Specialist
Updated: Nov 15, 2024
Q&As: 247
At Passcerty.com, we pride ourselves on the comprehensive nature of our MK0-201 exam dumps, designed meticulously to encompass all key topics and nuances you might encounter during the real examination. Regular updates are a cornerstone of our service, ensuring that our dedicated users always have their hands on the most recent and relevant Q&A dumps. Behind every meticulously curated question and answer lies the hard work of our seasoned team of experts, who bring years of experience and knowledge into crafting these premium materials. And while we are invested in offering top-notch content, we also believe in empowering our community. As a token of our commitment to your success, we're delighted to offer a substantial portion of our resources for free practice. We invite you to make the most of the following content, and wish you every success in your endeavors.
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Why is it important to the security of a network to create a complex password for the SA account on a MSSQL server installation?
A. The SA account is a pseudo-account and does not have any privileges.
B. The SA account can add/delete or change Domain User accounts.
C. The SA account can have privileges of the local adminstrators group on the host OS.
D. The SA account is the most powerful account on the domain controller.
Under the Windows platform,there is something refered to as Null Session.
Which of the following statements would best describe what a null session consists of?
A. It is a session where zero bytes of traffic have been transferred
B. It is a session where erroneous commands are being used showing the lack of knowledge of the user connected.
C. It is a remote session that is established anonymously to a Windows machine.
D. It is a anonymous FTP session under the Windows platform
Mary has learned about the different ways authentication can be implemented on a web site. Which of the following forms of authentication would consist of the most basic form and also the less secure?
A. Digest Authentication
B. Basic Authentication
C. LDAP Authentication
D. Token Base Authentication
Bob is working as an Instrusion Detection System administrator for a company called CCCure.
Being a keen analyst he has noted a very large amount of SYN packet being sent to some of his external IP addresses.
At first it looked like normal daily traffic but somehow it seems that after his internet facing hosts sends a SYN/ACK reply back to the connection request,the final ACK packet is never received from the remote host.
What type of scan does this pattern indicate?
A. A FIN Scan
B. A Vanilla port scan
C. A Half-Open Scan
D. A NULL scan
An administrator has just completed the installation of Nessus on a Linux System that will only have physical space for the server and no monitor.The administrator was told that Nessus has to be run when performing assessments from the system front end you installed Nessus on.
A. True
B. False
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