Exam Code: PDI
Exam Name: Salesforce Certification for Platform Developer I
Updated: Nov 11, 2024
Q&As: 719
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A developer uses a test setup method to create an account named 'test'. The first method deletes the account record. What must be done in the second test method to use the account?
A. Use select id from account where name='test'
B. Restore the account using an undelete statement
C. Call the test setup method at the start of the test
D. The account cannot be used in the second method
What would a developer do to update a picklist field on related Opportunity records when a modification to the associated Account record is detected?
A. Create a process with Process Builder.
B. Create a workflow rule with a field update.
C. Create a Lightning Component.
D. Create a Visualforce page.
Universal Containers has an order system that uses on Order Number to identify an order for customers service agents. Order records will be imported into Salesforce.
How should the "Order Number field be defined in Salesforce.
A. Lookup
B. Direct Lookup
C. Number with External ID
D. Indirect Lookup
A developer needs to create a custom button for the Account object that, when clicked, will perform a series of calculations and redirect the user to a custom Visualforce page. The developer wants to ensure the Visualforce page matches the Lightning Experience user interface.
What attribute needs to be defined within the
A. applyHtmlTag="true"
B. wizard=true"
C. setup="true"
D. lightningStylesheets=''true"
A credit card company needs to Implement the functionality for a service agent to process damaged credit cards. When the customers call In, the service agent must gather many pieces of information Is tasked to Implement this functionality. What should the developer use to satisfy this requirement In the most efficient manner?
A. Flow Builder
B. Lightning Component
C. Approval Process
D. Apex Trigger
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