Exam Code: PEGAPCLSA85V1
Exam Name: Lead System Architect (LSA) Pega Architecture Exam 85V1
Updated: Nov 11, 2024
Q&As: 91
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XYZ Inc.'s COE wants case life cycle developers to use a field group named "Claim" regardless of the application being developed.
Select and move the three tasks that the COE performs for this requirement to the Task List column and place them in the correct order. (Choose Three)
Select and Place:
An application contains cases which transition though different statuses throughout their life cycle which typically lasts 3 months.
Design a reporting strategy to display the number of cases by status at the end of each month for a 12-month period.
A. Configure an agent to record monthly case status in a separate table and report on that table.
B. Configure an activity to generate the data in the clipboard and report using a custom section.
C. Configure a summary report that leverages sub reports for each month.
D. Configure a Declare index to record case data to a separate table.
A shipping case needs to wait a specific time period before progressing in its flow. The developer is considering using a wait shape or an assignment with an SLA to perform this function.
Identify the two requirements for which a wait shape is the simpler approach. (Choose Two)
A. Adjust the case urgency when the assignment is created-
B. Manually step past the waiting point prior to the designated time.
C. Present a custom UI form to the user while waiting to expire.
D. Automatically bypass locking when the assignment is created.
Default application settings are shown in the image. What two edits do you make to the advanced configuration based on information in the reading passage? (choose two)
A. Deselect Create demonstration users'',
B. Edit the Division name to UK'',
C. Edit the organization name to BCO
D. Select Framework'' as the Application structure.
E. Select Framework
A Customer Service application requires customer data assembled from multiple external systems. The customer data is captured by a parent case. Subcases of that parent case need to reference the same customer data.The customer data must be as current as possible.
Which two options are used as part of the solution? (Choose Two)
A. Have each subcase load a portion of the customer data prior to updating the parent case.
B. Use the Snapshot data access pattern to capture the customer data prior to subcase spin off.
C. Load the customer data in parallel using the Load -Data Page and Connect-Wair methods.
D. Use the System of Record (SOR) data access pattern when capturing the customer data.
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