Exam Name: Pre-Professional Skills Test (PPST) - Writing Section
Updated: Nov 17, 2024
Q&As: 104
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Determine whether the underlined portion of the sentence below is correct or whether it needs to be revised. Choose the correct option.
High school reunions are usually looked forward to by alumni that have worked hard since graduation and now consider themselves successful.
A. High school reunions are usually looked forward to by alumni that have worked hard since graduation and now consider themselves successful.
B. High school reunions are usually looked forward to by alumni who have worked hard since graduation and now consider themselves successful.
C. Alumni who have worked hard since graduation and now consider themselves successful usually look forward to high school reunions.
D. Alumnus that have worked hard since graduation and now consider themselves successful usually look forward to high school reunions.
E. High school reunions are usually looked forward to by alumni that have worked hard since graduation and now consider yourselves successful.
Determine whether the underlined portion of the sentence below is correct or whether it needs to be revised. Choose the correct option.
In many cultures, they consider fish eggs a delicacy.
A. In many cultures they consider fish eggs a delicacy.
B. In many cultures fish eggs are considered a delicacy.
C. In many cultures a delicacy is considered to be fish eggs.
D. Fish eggs, a delicacy in many cultures.
E. They consider fish eggs to be a delicacy in many cultures.
Identify the error in the following sentence:
He wasn't going to not say anything, until it became clear that this would be impossible.
A. wasn't
B. say anything
C. it became
D. impossible
E. No error
Identify the error in the following sentence:
As Titus looked at the full shelves of his clock shop, he realized that it would take hours to find the clock who lost the tiny spring he found on the floor.
A. looked at
B. he
C. it
D. who
E. No error
Identify the error in the following sentence:
Every farmer knows that baling wet grass is dangerous because heat can build in a tightly packed bale and starts a fire.
A. Every
B. baling
C. tightly
D. starts
E. No error
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