Exam Name: PRINCE2 Agile Foundation
Updated: Nov 17, 2024
Q&As: 50
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Which two statements about tailoring the business case in an agile environment are CORRECT?
It should be unnecessary because products of the highest value will be delivered first.
It should identify the minimum viable product and when it will be delivered.
It should take into account that the scope may be reduced during the course of the project.
It should show the features, the order in which they will be delivered and any dependencies.
A. 1 and 2
B. 2 and 3
C. 3 and 4
D. 1 and 4
Which statement about the `accept that the customer doesn't need everything' target is correct?
A. It gives confidence on the progress of the project
B. It can result in the early delivery of a minimum viable product
C. It allows misunderstandings to be dealt with appropriately
D. It is achieved by managing the culture of the team carefully
Which is a benefit of the Lean Startup approach to releasing a product?
A. It provide a technique to reduce the testing of a product before release
B. It enables the release plans to be synchronized with the PRINCE2 plans
C. It reduces the number of people needed to manage a release of a product
D. It provides quick feedback that can be responded to at the earliest opportunity
Why are team working agreement produced?
A. To create structure so that the team manager can assess individual performance
B. To evolve the effectiveness and behaviors of the self-organizing team by agreeing values
C. To make the team rules visible to the project manager for monitoring purposes
D. To ensure that the delivery team members comply with company policy
How does agile address the risk associated with the project not being fully understood at the beginning?
A. By allowing a lot of detail at the start
B. By avoiding too much detail at the start
C. By requiring details at the start
D. By preventing the analysis of details at the start
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