Exam Name: Professional Cloud Developer
Updated: Nov 13, 2024
Q&As: 254
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For this question, refer to the HipLocal case study.
How should HipLocal redesign their architecture to ensure that the application scales to support a large increase in users?
A. Use Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) to run the application as a microservice. Run the MySQL database on a dedicated GKE node.
B. Use multiple Compute Engine instances to run MySQL to store state information. Use a Google Cloud-managed load balancer to distribute the load between instances. Use managed instance groups for scaling.
C. Use Memorystore to store session information and CloudSQL to store state information. Use a Google Cloud-managed load balancer to distribute the load between instances. Use managed instance groups for scaling.
D. Use a Cloud Storage bucket to serve the application as a static website, and use another Cloud Storage bucket to store user state information.
You need to migrate a standalone Java application running in an on-premises Linux virtual machine (VM) to Google Cloud in a cost-effective manner. You decide not to take the lift- and-shift approach, and instead you plan to modernize the application by converting it to a container. How should you accomplish this task?
A. Use Migrate for Anthos to migrate the VM to your Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster as a container.
B. Export the VM as a raw disk and import it as an image. Create a Compute Engine instance from the Imported image.
C. Use Migrate for Compute Engine to migrate the VM to a Compute Engine instance, and use Cloud Build to convert it to a container.
D. Use Jib to build a Docker image from your source code, and upload it to Artifact Registry. Deploy the application in a GKE cluster, and test the application.
Your team manages a Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster where an application is running. A different team is planning to integrate with this application. Before they start the integration, you need to ensure that the other team cannot make changes to your application, but they can deploy the integration on GKE. What should you do?
A. Using Identity and Access Management (IAM), grant the Viewer IAM role on the cluster project to the other team.
B. Create a new GKE cluster. Using Identity and Access Management (IAM), grant the Editor role on the cluster project to the other team.
C. Create a new namespace in the existing cluster. Using Identity and Access Management (IAM), grant the Editor role on the cluster project to the other team.
D. Create a new namespace in the existing cluster. Using Kubernetes role-based access control (RBAC), grant the Admin role on the new namespace to the other team.
You are parsing a log file that contains three columns: a timestamp, an account number (a string), and a
transaction amount (a number). You want to calculate the sum of all transaction amounts for each unique
account number efficiently.
Which data structure should you use?
A. A linked list
B. A hash table
C. A two-dimensional array
D. A comma-delimited string
Your team is developing a Cloud Function triggered by Cloud Storage Events. You want to accelerate testing and development of your Cloud Function while following Google- recommended best practices. What should you do?
A. Install the Functions Frameworks library, and configure the Cloud Function on localhost. Make a copy of the function, and make edits to the new version Test the new version using cur1.
B. Make a copy of the Cloud Function, and rewrite the code to be HTTP-triggered Edit and test the new version by triggering the HTTP endpoint. Send mock requests to the new function to evaluate the functionality.
C. Make a copy of the Cloud Function in the Google Cloud Console Use the Cloud console's in-line editor to make source code changes to the new function Modify your web application to call the new function and test the new version in production.
D. Create a new Cloud Function that is triggered when Cloud Audit Logs detects the cloudfunctions. functions. sourceCodeSet operation in the original Cloud Function Send mock requests to the new function to evaluate the functionality.
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