Exam Name: Professional Collaboration Engineer
Updated: Jan 28, 2024
Q&As: 79
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Your company has sales offices in Madrid, Tokyo, London, and New York. The outbound email for those offices needs to include the sales person's signature and a compliance footer. The compliance footer needs to say "Should you no longer wish to receive emails about this offer, please reply with UNSUBSCRIBE." You are responsible for making sure that users cannot remove the footer.
What should you do?
A. Send an email to each sales person with the instructions on how to add the footer to their Signature.
B. Ensure that each sales team is in their own OU, and configure the Append Footer with the signature and footer content translated for each locale.
C. Ensure that each sales team is in their own OU, and configure the Append Footer with footer content.
D. Ensure that each sales team is in their own OU, and configure the Append Footer with the footer content translated for each locale.
A company wants to distribute iOS devices to only the employees in the Sales OU. They want to be able to
do the following on these devices:
Control password policies.
Make corporate apps available to the users.
Remotely wipe the device if it's lost or compromised
What two steps are required before configuring the device policies? (Choose two.)
A. Turn on Advanced Mobile Management for the domain.
B. Turn on Advanced Mobile Management for Sales OU
C. Set up Device Approvals.
D. Set up an Apple Push Certificate.
E. Deploy Apple Certificate to every device.
Your organization has just appointed a new CISO. They have signed up to receive admin alerts and just received an alert for a suspicious login attempt. They are trying to determine how frequently suspicious login attempts occur within the organization. The CISO has asked you to provide details for each user account that has had a suspicious login attempt in the past year and the number of times it occurred for each account.
What action should you take to meet these requirements?
A. Use the login audit report to export all suspicious login details for analysis.
B. Create a custom dashboard with the security investigation tool showing suspicious logins.
C. Use the account activity report to export all suspicious login details for analysis.
D. Create a custom query in BigQuery showing all suspicious login details.
How can you monitor increases in user reported Spam as identified by Google?
A. Review post-delivery activity in the Email logs.
B. Review user-reported spam in the Investigation Tool.
C. Review spike in user-reported spam in the Alert center.
D. Review post-delivery activity in the BigQuery Export.
The organization has conducted and completed Security Awareness Training (SAT) for all employees. As part of a new security policy, employees who did not complete the SAT have had their accounts suspended. The CTO has requested to be informed of any accounts that have been re-enabled to ensure no one is in violation of the new security policy.
What should you do?
A. Enable "Suspicious login" rule - Other Recipients: CTO
B. Enable "Suspended user made active" rule - Other Recipients: CTO
C. Enable "Email settings changed" rule - -Other Recipients: CTO
D. Enable "Suspended user made active" rule and select "Deliver to" Super Administrator(s)
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