Exam Name: Professional Machine Learning Engineer

Updated: Nov 16, 2024

Q&As: 282

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Questions 1

You are working on a system log anomaly detection model for a cybersecurity organization. You have developed the model using TensorFlow, and you plan to use it for real-time prediction. You need to create a Dataflow pipeline to ingest data via Pub/Sub and write the results to BigQuery. You want to minimize the serving latency as much as possible. What should you do?

A. Containerize the model prediction logic in Cloud Run, which is invoked by Dataflow.

B. Load the model directly into the Dataflow job as a dependency, and use it for prediction.

C. Deploy the model to a Vertex AI endpoint, and invoke this endpoint in the Dataflow job.

D. Deploy the model in a TFServing container on Google Kubernetes Engine, and invoke it in the Dataflow job.

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Questions 2

You received a training-serving skew alert from a Vertex AI Model Monitoring job running in production. You retrained the model with more recent training data, and deployed it back to the Vertex AI endpoint, but you are still receiving the same alert. What should you do?

A. Update the model monitoring job to use a lower sampling rate.

B. Update the model monitoring job to use the more recent training data that was used to retrain the model.

C. Temporarily disable the alert. Enable the alert again after a sufficient amount of new production traffic has passed through the Vertex AI endpoint.

D. Temporarily disable the alert until the model can be retrained again on newer training data. Retrain the model again after a sufficient amount of new production traffic has passed through the Vertex AI endpoint.

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Questions 3

You work for a retail company. You have been asked to develop a model to predict whether a customer will purchase a product on a given day. Your team has processed the company's sales data, and created a table with the following rows:








Days_since_last_purchase (measured in days)


Average_purchase_frequency (measured in 1/days)


Purchase (binary class, if customer purchased product on the Date)

You need to interpret your model's results for each individual prediction. What should you do?

A. Create a BigQuery table. Use BigQuery ML to build a boosted tree classifier. Inspect the partition rules of the trees to understand how each prediction flows through the trees.

B. Create a Vertex AI tabular dataset. Train an AutoML model to predict customer purchases. Deploy the model to a Vertex AI endpoint and enable feature attributions. Use the “explain” method to get feature attribution values for each individual prediction.

C. Create a BigQuery table. Use BigQuery ML to build a logistic regression classification model. Use the values of the coefficients of the model to interpret the feature importance, with higher values corresponding to more importance

D. Create a Vertex AI tabular dataset. Train an AutoML model to predict customer purchases. Deploy the model to a Vertex AI endpoint. At each prediction, enable L1 regularization to detect non-informative features.

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Questions 4

You work at an organization that maintains a cloud-based communication platform that integrates conventional chat, voice, and video conferencing into one platform. The audio recordings are stored in Cloud Storage. All recordings have an 8 kHz sample rate and are more than one minute long. You need to implement a new feature in the platform that will automatically transcribe voice call recordings into a text for future applications, such as call summarization and sentiment analysis. How should you implement the voice call transcription feature following Google-recommended best practices?

A. Use the original audio sampling rate, and transcribe the audio by using the Speech-to-Text API with synchronous recognition.

B. Use the original audio sampling rate, and transcribe the audio by using the Speech-to-Text API with asynchronous recognition.

C. Upsample the audio recordings to 16 kHz, and transcribe the audio by using the Speech-to-Text API with synchronous recognition.

D. Upsample the audio recordings to 16 kHz, and transcribe the audio by using the Speech-to-Text API with asynchronous recognition.

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Questions 5

You work for a multinational organization that has recently begun operations in Spain. Teams within your organization will need to work with various Spanish documents, such as business, legal, and financial documents. You want to use machine learning to help your organization get accurate translations quickly and with the least effort. Your organization does not require domain-specific terms or jargon. What should you do?

A. Create a Vertex AI Workbench notebook instance. In the notebook, extract sentences from the documents, and train a custom AutoML text model.

B. Use Google Translate to translate 1,000 phrases from Spanish to English. Using these translated pairs, train a custom AutoML Translation model.

C. Use the Document Translation feature of the Cloud Translation API to translate the documents.

D. Create a Vertex AI Workbench notebook instance. In the notebook, convert the Spanish documents into plain text, and create a custom TensorFlow seq2seq translation model.

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