Exam Name: Salesforce Certified Associate
Updated: Nov 16, 2024
Q&As: 113
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An organization wants to implement Salesforce into its business model. The requirements include:
Operations management Program management Grantmaking Fundraising Marketing Engagement
Which cloud is preconfigured to handle all of these requirements7
A. Analytics
B. Experience
C. Nonprofit
A Salesforce associate wants to learn more about an app to see if it would be a good fir for a business need, but they are not a system administrator. Where can they learn more about the app?
A. AppExchange
B. Trailhead
C. Global Search
An insurance call center is experiencing increased policy support calls which has led to long wait times and disappointed customers. Which cloud will decrease the number of incoming calls, empower customers, and increase satisfaction?
A. CRM Analytics
B. Experience
C. Cloud Sales Cloud
Get Cloudy Consulting's growing marketing team is on a custom profile named Marketing Team.' The team currently has Read access to leads and opportunities- Two marketing managers need Edit access on leads. What should the Salesforce associate do to grant them the access they need?
A. Create a permission set that grants Edit access to leads and assign it to the marketing managers.
B. Create a permission set that grants Edit access to leads and assign it to the marketing team.
C. Create a new profile that grants Edit access to leads and assign it to the marketing managers.
Get Cloudy Consulting (GCC) is currently tracking forecasting and revenue data in a spreadsheet and wants migrate this data to Salesforce. Which solution should GCC consider?
A. Marketing Cloud
B. CRM Analytics
C. Sales Cloud
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