Exam Name: WorkKeys Assessment Test
Updated: Nov 11, 2024
Q&As: 130
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You are examining a time card that an employee has added incorrectly. You determine that the employee has worked a total of 2250 minutes. How many hours should you tell your supervisor this employee worked?
A. 20 hours
B. 37.5 hours
C. 40 hours
D. 51.25 hours
E. 135 hours
You want to make lemonade for the office picnic. The recipe calls for 4 scoops of lemonade mix to one quart of water. You need to make 6 quarts. How many scoops of lemonade mix do you need?
A. 4
B. 8
C. 10
D. 12
E. 24
A swimming pool at the local park needs some improvements. The builder has determined that it needs to be resurfaced. If resurfacing material costs $2.65 per square foot, find the cost of resurfacing the pool. The pool is 3 feet deep at the shallow end, 12 feet deep at the deep end, 50 feet long, and 30 feet wide. The length of the sloped floor is 52 feet long.
A. $2760.00
B. $4260.00
C. $7314.00
D. $11250.00
E. $11289.00
It takes 40 minutes to fly from Toledo to Cincinnati. It takes 140 minutes to fly from Cincinnati to Atlanta. How long are the combined flights?
A. 1 hours
B. 2 hours
C. 3 hours
D. 4 hours
E. 5 hours
Charter Pools is installing a new circular pool in a customer's backyard. The customer has a well and is not able to fill the pool. Charter Pools will haul in water, but they need to determine how many gallons of water they will need. The truck can carry 6500 gallons of water. The pool is 27 feet in diameter and 54 inches deep. How many gallons are needed to fill the pool?
A. 535 gallons
B. 2576 gallons
C. 19,264 gallons
D. 30,902 gallons
E. 924,661 gallons
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